Los Angeles District Meeting Updates

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Request to Delete a CMA Meeting Listing

First, what do you need to do?
Thank you for helping keep the CMA meetings current in your area. Please be complete. The information you supply below is sent to the CMA Group Registrar. We may contact you for further details if needed. For the protection of our visitors’ anonymity, we do NOT reply to you at a different address than you write us from. You MUST write us from the address you want us to reply to. Your trusted servant(s) (preferably secretary/chair or GSR) should make deletions. We may contacted you for further details if needed. Updates are done by volunteers. Every attempt is made to do these updates within 24 to 48 hours from the time you send this form.

Meeting Name

If the meeting is just going dark for a temporary period of time this will tell our volunteer to not permanently delete the meeting


Help us locate the correct meeting.

For example: "Presbyterian Church" or "online".

(At least the city/st) below. If online type "online". Meetings must have a physical location (even just a city/st below) to be listed. (Our system requires a physical location)

(At least the city/st if online)


As provided by zoom, etc... (if applicable)

(if applicable)

(if applicable)

Meeting Details

Check the day or days of the week that apply. This info helps us find the correct meeting.

This info helps us find the correct meeting.

Date the meeting is ending or the date the meeting ended?

Extra information? Special start/end time? Masks required? Special Location info? ETC...

Confidential Info

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