Los Angeles District Meeting Updates

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New / Update / Delete a CMAinLA Meeting

Thank you for listing a new CMA meeting, asking to delete a CMA meeting, or updating a current CMA meetings in the CMAinLA area. Using this form will send your request to both the Los Angeles District Registrar and the CMA GSO Registrar for crystalmeth.org. When entering your group(s) information please do not overlook any information and enter all fields completely. The information we ask for will help us determine how to update your meeting. The information you supply below is sent to the CMAinLA Group Registrar. You may be contacted for further details if needed. The trusted servant(s) (preferably secretary/chair or GSR) should update the information for your meeting at least once a year, or whenever trusted servants change, even if you think your listing is current. Please keep the registrar informed. Updates are done by volunteers. Every attempt is made to do these updates within 24 to 48 hours from the time you send this form. Please do not jump-over fields without reading the directions in each area completely. Required information on each page must be entered before continuing. Once you have filled out the form completely click “SEND” and you will receive the message: “Thank you for your message. It has been sent to our registrar volunteer.”

Adherence / Meeting Name

** Adherence: To be listed in the CMAinLA Meeting Directory, the group/meeting should: (1) adhere to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of CMA; (2) be made up of two or more people who have a desire to stop using Crystal Meth; and (3) have no other affiliation. Meetings at facilities can be listed if they are O=Open. Not adhering to the above requirements, meetings may be de-listed from this website after an attempt has been made to contact the identified service person.

(if applicable)

(if nothing, type "n/a")


You MUST fill out this Locations Area completely.
Our system requires at least a "Location" plus a "City and State".

For example: "Presbyterian Church" or "online".

Please include the old physical meeting's address. If it is an online meeting, please type "no address". Help our volunteer find your meeting.

Please include the old physical meeting's city/st/zip. If it is an online meeting, please include the "City and State". Help our volunteer find your meeting.

For example: "Presbyterian Church" or "online".

(At least the city/st) below. If online type "online". Meetings must have a physical location (even just a city/st below) to be listed. (Our system requires a physical location)

(At least the city/st if online)


If your group has an ONLINE and/or HYBRID meeting, please include only the information requested below.
If the meeting is not "online/hybrid" go to the bottom of the page and click [NEXT].
The currently supported online/hybrid providers are Bluejeans, Free Conference, FreeConferenceCall, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Skype, WebEx, Zoho, Zoom.

As provided by zoom, etc... (if applicable)

(if applicable)

(if applicable)

Optional Online/Hybrid 7 Tradition Link (ONLY if your online/hybrid meeting desires)
If your meeting wants a 7th Tradition link included on your details page enter the link here. The system currently accepts PayPalUsername, @Venmo and $CashTag. Your meeting treasurer will need to give you this information.

PayPalUsername, @Venmo or $CashTag only

This will be confirmed with the meeting secretary.

Meeting Details

Check the day or days of the week that apply.

If your start time is not listed here, (xx:15/45) choose the nearest prior time then add the exact time in the "Special Info" below.

(new meetings only - if applicable)

Extra information? Special start/end time? Masks required? Special Location info? ETC...

Confidential Info

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