CMAinLA H&I (Hospitals & Institutions) takes meetings with Speaker Panels to hospitals, institutions, recovery centers, treatment facilities and jails. We take meetings to addicts who are unable to get out to a meeting on their own. When you volunteer to speak on an H&I panel, you are participating in your recovery, practicing the twelfth step of CMA by taking the message of CMA to the addict who still suffers.
H&I Committee Monthly Meeting
The Monthly H&I Meeting occurs the second Saturday of every month at 11:30am pst after the GSR meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 9224 8315
Passcode: GSR
CMA member financial contributions to CMAinLA H&I
CONTRIBUTE HERE… if you are making a contribution as an individual or as a group or meeting. If appropriate, be sure to identify your meeting or group in the “group or meeting” field, when making a contribution to H&I.
CMA H&I Prison Pen-Pal Sign-Up
Interested in serving as an H&I Prison Pen-Pal to someone wanting to be connected to the fellowship of CMA? Please complete the Pen Pal Sign-Up Form. Please be aware that potential communication with an inmate at some facilities could disqualify you from visiting the facility for H&I panel participation. Your name will be added to a list of potential pen-pals.
The H&I Announcement for Los Angeles District CMA meetings
H&I Panel Speaker Orientation
CMA H&I Advisory Meetings
Come join our monthly H&I Advisory Meeting at 11:30am on the 2nd Saturday of each month. LA District Events
Be involved in local CMA H&I Panels or Service
Call for H&I Representatives
LA CMA H&I is of maximum service when H&I representative service commitments are appointed at the meeting level. The LA CMA H&I committee is requesting that local meetings elect H&I representatives to report information to the meeting on behalf of the H&I committee. Once you have elected your H&I representative, please complete the H&I rep information form here:
CMA H&I Panel Interest Form
CMA takes the message of recovery into hospitals, treatment facilities, prisons, and other institutions that house people who are unable to leave to attend meetings. Requirement for speaking on an H&I panel is a minimum of 6 months sobriety. Requirement for serving as an H&I panel leader is a minimum of 1 year sobriety. Speaking on, or leading a prison panel, requires 5 years sobriety. Filling out this form indicates your willingness to be contacted and asked to speak on or lead a panel. It does not have to indicate a firm commitment on your part. Please complete the interest for here:
H&I Sponsor Phone List
The H&I Committee is collecting names and phone numbers of CMA members available to sponsor people in hospitals and institutions. Adding yourself to the list does not guarantee selection as a sponsor. Adding your contact information provides your name and phone number to panel leaders who can provide access to the sponsor list for people in hospitals and institutions. You must have a minimum of six months of continuous sobriety to sponsor.